Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Source: Adapted from a case from the British Medical Journal at

Case: A 45 year old woman presents with 3 months of progressively worsening arthralgia in the hands, knees and hips.

Ddx: degenerative joint disease, inflammatory arthropathy, secondary arthralgia


Inflammatory arthropathy: swelling, morning stiffness,
Red flags: nocturnal pain, pain at rest
Septic arthritis: recent viral and throat infection
Degenerative/osteoarthritis: repetitive use of hands, history of trauma to affected joints
Associated symptoms: Bowel or bladder symptoms (associated with sero negative arthropathies, IBD), eyes or skin symptoms, mood changes, altered sleep, malaise
Distribution: OA (large, weight bearing joints, carpometacarpal joint of thumb, DIP)

Rheumatoid arthrisis, other auto-immune

Impact on ADLs

  • FBC – anaemia
  • ESR, CRP – inflammation
  • RF
  • Radiography of joints
    OA - joint space narrowing, subchondral cysts, sclerosis, osteophytes
    RA - joint space narrowing, soft tissue swelling, subchondral erosions, subluxation
  • Pain: Reassurance, simple analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs. Encourage positive lifestyle changes. Occupational therapy for splinting & home aids.
  • Osteoarthritis: Education about nature of the problem (wear and tear), pain mx, encourage weight loss and exercise, refer to physiotherapy.
  • RA or seronegative arthropathy: education, referral to rheumatologist, long term support, positive messages, slow down disease progression with DMARD (sulfasalazine, MTX- CXR first since pulm fibrosis is a possible SE) & steroids, reassurance 

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